
Showing posts from February, 2019

Sleeping through and other post-colonial myths.

When I was pregnant with Gray I could sleep at any given moment of the day, instantly. The school I was teaching at at the time (which will remain unnamed to protect the identify of a colleague who will be given an alias anyway) had a very peculiar little room that was attached to the ladies toilets. In it was a chaise lounge. And the door could lock. And it was dark. And I spent very spare moment I could in there either holding down the morning sickness or sleeping. The only downer of this very cozy arrangement is that I got very familiar with the toilet habits of my colleagues. The acoustics in there were remarkable. Let's just say I know why we went through so much toilet spray - spraying before, during and after a movement won't fool us into thinking we're walking through a field of summer potpourri Sharon. Anyway my point is that during my pregnancy with Gray I was willing to snatch every spare moment, laced with eau de Sharon, to try and pull myself towards myself.