
Showing posts from May, 2019

Shake it off

There's a moment in the delightful movie 'Sing', which most children have watched on average 683 times, where the tired, overworked mommy pig strips off her pastel mommy blouse and turns into a ravishing she-pig. She then groves down to Taylor Swift's 'Shake it off.' First of all, I am that pig. The urban legend that 'you lose weight when breastfeeding' is a myth. Specially when your philosophy towards breastfeeding is - 'Right, I've just eaten a huge supper. But I'm  breastfeeding so... best I eat several rusks just before bedtime... you know... milk supply and all that.' Your tiny baby with her tiny stomach then wakes up for one feed during the night, she drinks her measly 100mls and then goes back to sleep. In the meantime those rusks discover that there is a lot of room of late in the stomach area of your body and so you start growing your next baby, a food baby. And this causes havoc for people who don't know if you've giv