In the last few days I have had a recurring theme pop up from unexpected places. I have had to spend a day or two putting it in a box and I find that the final bit of sticky tape is always writing about it, finding a metaphor and letting it go. So the first thing that happened for me was that a few months ago I discovered that a beloved school friend of mine was no longer friends with me on Facebook. It came as a punch to the stomach. I have spent months agonising over her choice to exclude me - and most of our school cohort - from her life. I questioned what I could have done wrong - was it my belief system, a seemingly careless remark I had made, an episode of teenage bullying that I have absolutely no recollection of - when you’re going back some 20 something years it could literally be anything because, to be honest, I was an entirely different person then. I do know that this friend lives overseas and has a deeply painful connection to this country. In respect for her and the...