The Poor (Entertaining) Relative
 Never in my life has someone said to me, 'I did the best spreadsheet last night. While doing it I laughed, I cried, I connected with myself, with the world, I felt empathy. I could see myself in that spreadsheet. But I could also see others. It changed my life.' But I hear almost daily- I watched the most beautiful film... I listened to the most amazing song... Viewed the most moving exhibition... Watched the most incredible dance... Saw the most compelling production... Also a phrase that I've seldom heard is, 'At this institution/government/school/tertiary institution we value empathy, creativity, connectivity and humanity above all else and as such we prioritize the subjects that teach such skills by making the arts as important as the other important aspects that make up our institution.' How is it that the very things we cannot, as a human race, live without are the very things that are always sidelined? How is it that artists in every single form are stil...