Who are you playing for?

The fact that the Springboks won the last three matches of the Rugby World Cup every time by one point is almost Biblical. Three is a big number in the Bible and even if you're not into religion you must surely be feeling a bit David and Goliath this morning. South Africa doesn't have a lot going for it at the moment. You have to take out an overdraft to buy Butro, when it rains you're kak scared that your house will flood again, with Black Friday coming up we are all going to have to up our anxiety meds in lieu of our last looting experience, we are faced with mass unemployment, the worst gender based violence in the world, starving and uneducated children and really swak politicians. The list really is endless, we are very much the SABC 2 third world version of David. Let's just consider the giants we played in the quarter and semi finals. You don't really get more prosperous and powerful first world foes. I mean half our South African team plays for their club...