The Fly In The Ointment

Brenda feels like she hasn't stopped. Because she hasn't. It hasn't been by choice. Ever since that blasted 'Inside Out' flick came out she's been terrified that her children's core memory islands are going to be 'Air fried pizza', 'Benign Neglect', 'Mom is on her phone again' and 'I've watched this episode of Rescue Riders 235 times'. Brenda has milked the last ounce of 2023 energy to ensure that her kids have laid down some core festive season memories that would put Bluey's Mom to shame. She also hopes the Instagram reel of their December holidays will put Ingrid, her arch nemesis from Under 9 Club Rugby, to shame. This year was a trinomial of festivities. Time in the Berg with family, a quick soiree to Jozi with the in-laws followed by a week at the beach with people whose children are almost as beautiful as Brenda's which makes for fantastic Facebook pictures and posts about the joy of childhood friendship...