Dear Sharon

It was a bad night last night. Gray vomited for most of the night. Stephen silently nursed his impending stomach bug. And at two in the morning I Googled things I shouldn't like - 'Child just had swine flu, now has stomach bug. Low white blood cell count - what does it mean? Is house mould making my child sick? Autoimmune disorders. Symptoms for lupis'. Early this morning, before the sun rose, I emailed my various bosses to tell them I would not be coming in to work today. Due to various commitments in the past three weeks I wasn't able to nurse Gray through his tonsillitis that then developed into swine flu. I worked Sundays and every weekday til 22.00. It's a busy time in my job and I sucked it up. But this morning I just knew I couldn't leave Gray sick at home one more time. Despite all the guilt I associate with leaving colleagues and students in the lurch I put on my big girl mom panties and made the call, despite the nagging doubts that maybe I should ...