
The thing about a virus is that you don’t know how bad it is going to get. 

The thing about a virus is that it takes over your body and alters the very way you function. 

The thing about a virus is that you have to ride it out and take as many precautions as you can. 

The thing about a virus is that it’s scary. 

The thing about a mob is that you dont know how bad it’s going to get. 

The thing about a mob is that it takes over your body and alters the very way you function. 

The thing about a mob is that you have to ride it out and take as many precautions as possible. 

The thing about a mob is that it’s scary. 

The thing about Jesus is that He knows the virus and He knows the mob - all the mobs, even the ones we are a part of. 

He is present in the microscopic and the macroscopic. 

He heals viruses and He stills the crowd. 

He is a champion for the hopeless, the angry, the hungry and the lost. And He knows why we do what we do. 

The thing about Jesus is that He know us all by name. In our mobs and in our individuality. 

My prayer today is that we see beyond the mob. That we encourage our law enforcers to do their jobs with courage, dignity and compassion. That we do not allow lawlessness to rule our country but that at the same time we know that behind every stone throwing vandal is a person with a story. 

I pray healing from the microscopic to the macroscopic. Healing from the viruses that seek to destroy our bodies and the viruses that seek to destroy our country. 

May the spirit of Christ take leadership over this country and this world. 

Let Jesus become contagious. 


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