Martin Visvang's Guide to Camping

Martin Visvang (alias) has a special app on his phone that counts down one camping trip to the next. He likes to check on it every so often when he pretends that his constipation has got the better of him but he actually needs some time out from the kids...and the wife. His last trip to Satara was a huge success and his local mountain biking okes don't seem to be tired of his repeated story of the honey badger that stole his kid's Safari Fruit Flakes. He's even christened the animal Scedadle Skunk. He still chuckles about his witty name idea circa 1987. Martin has a limited repertoire when it comes to humor but his mates stick around because what he lacks for in laughter (to his face) he makes up for in rigorous preparation and gadget purchases when it comes to his biannual camping trips with mates. And Martin keeps these mates around even though they don't get his insanely kiff sense of humor because he can't make small talk with his wife around a camp fire for...