I've had a week of conversations with people who are teetering on the edge of anxiety, burnout and general restlessness. They've all expressed a similar thread to their anxiety - they are all feeling unsettled. For one its the anxiety of an upcoming overseas trip and all the pandemonium of planning, admin and preparation. For another its fatigue that comes with reestablishing herself after several stressful life events, career moves, and cross continent moves. For another its the start of a much hoped for new season that unfortunately is still feeling like the old season. With this at the back of my mind I read the very sad news that South Africa's golden couple - Siya and Rachel - are getting divorced. Lets be honest, we're all a little heartbroken. We wanted their story to be the one that continued to break so many of the barriers that society is still struggling with today. And then I had a brief reflection of how the past two years have played out for them and I s...