State of the Nation
Two nights ago Stephen and I sat down on the couch and let out a collective relieved sigh. Both children had been bathed, fed and put to sleep. And I'm going to throw this word out there, the word that describes the feeling just before a fall - smug. The smugness lasted all of a literal minute because at that moment the noise of a seal auditioning to become part of the Ushaka Seal Show came resonating from Grays bedroom. To be honest I didn't know seals could waddle this far inland. When I say I could mainly see the whites of Stephen's eyes I am not over exaggerating. We froze. And then the bark again. The croup bark. The bark to end all barks. The bark that launched a thousand ships in the opposite direction. Shit. Having recently unpacked our medicine cabinet - it is literally the only thing I unpacked in our entire move I made a beeline for the aspelone as fast as my bruised nether regions would allow. Within seconds our poor little sleeping boy was pinned dow...