Fight, Flight or Feed
I've just finished wrapping Gray's birthday presents. I wrapped them in left over Christmas wrapping paper, newspaper and masking tape. Rudolph is making his rounds twice this year. Luckily Stephen is into gift giving and has done most of the shopping because this year if it was left up to me Gray would be getting a pair of thermal pj's bought online because I was able to buy them from my bed. Last night I manged to be by myself for ten whole minutes. It was amazing. We needed milk. I jumped at the opportunity. After shoving a boob into Eva's mouth to make 100% sure she wasn't hungry and prying a screaming Gray off my legs I headed for the hills. Well, the petrol station down the road. Unencumbered by a pram, Baby Bjorn or small child asking for a treat I walked up and down all four aisles of the petrol station shop simply because I could despite the fact that I knew exactly where the milk was. And then when I got back to the car I repeatedly tried to switch the ...