Dear Nightbirde...


Let me just say that you were golden long before a buzzer told you that you were golden. And you are alive with more life than most people I've ever seen. And you are most certainly Chosen.

I just read some of your blogs. And I just have to say a very broken, sobbing thank you.

Thank you for bringing God into the ugly, human places. Thank you for acknowledging Him through the vomit and spit. Thank you for encouraging us to get low. Thank you for guaranteeing that He will get low with us.

It is very rare to find a writer who speaks the breath of God so directly through their words, but you do. They move in a way that is both completely human and completely not. I suppose that is His constant hope for us - to be made of sand but to have spirits that live elsewhere.

I will be praying for you. I will be praying that you will have enough energy to face what must be an overwhelmingly exhausting outpouring of love. That your body will be able to absorb as much adoration that it needs without being burdened by it. That people will be placed in your path who will provide you with respite and care. That you will know that the voice we hear from you speaks of a great destiny.

But most of all I pray that those still on the bathroom floor (an area I am very familiar with) will find your story and will find God through it.

Thank you for being His voice and hands.

May God bless and keep you,



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