Making Space

So about a year ago I decided to give up scrolling through Facebook. I was still going to use it to share my blog, check birthdays (so very crap with birthdays) and make sure I wasn't tagged in any dodgy photos that involved me with a double chin. And it worked very well for a couple of months until we all got locked down and social media became the only way for us to connect with loved ones who we would have ordinarily seen in the flesh - that and I suddenly had a whole day to kill with two small children and very little adult stimulation. I think for many of us social media was a saving grace, a way to not feel alone, a way to swop sour dough bread recipes and complain about home schooling. 

But I'm back to what I absolutely love doing. I'm being creative. I have students in my classroom. My children are both at school. And (as my dear friend Greg Banach would say) "Its the year of the body". No more sour dough. I've lost 7kgs and I'm getting my s%#t together. 

But I'm back to scrolling, and that's not ok.  

SO today is Ash Wednesday. Lent starts today. For many today is the swan song to chocolate. 

Today will be my second swan song to the scrolling. 

But Lent isn't just about giving something up. It's about giving something up to make space for Christ. It's about using the time one would ordinarily spend thinking about/engaging with something in order to refocus on being aware of the Holy Spirit. Its about giving up something small in order to be rewarded with something unimaginably big. 

So not only will I be giving up social media for Lent but I have set myself a personal challenge - I am going to write something on this blog every day for forty days. Deep breath. I cant guarantee epistles because I am actually a pretty busy human but I am going to attempt to connect with God and with whoever reads this (probably just myself) for forty days. 

I wont be posting a link to my blog everyday on Facebook - that's just extra. but if, from time to time, you find a moment come and join me in this digital space where I am attempting to refocus on my spirit. Maybe we can do it together. 


  1. Hello Em, so I have taken a page from your book... I have deactivated my FB account! DONE... I shall read your blog as often as possible... Keep awesome and mind your space:-)
    XXX Sarah

    1. Well done! Its amazing how quickly the withdrawals start. Lets do this thing!


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